Kim was called to serve as Youth Minister at Our Mother of Sorrows in July of 2016. Born and raised in Washington State, she moved to Arizona in 1998 and to Tucson in 2007 with her husband and four sons.
She lives her life under the guide of the Holy Spirit and has been moved in many different ministries, most of which involved children and young adults. She volunteered for 16 years as part of the Friendship Group at Rainier State Mental Institution where she learned to love unconditionally and that presence is often times more powerful than words.
Kim has been trained and worked in all three levels of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and is a Certified Level 1 trainer. She travels annually to Central America to train Catechists and has helped to build three atriums at NPH Orphanages in Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. NPH Honduras has become a second home to her and is a place of true joy and renewal.
Kim is a Catechist at heart and the gift of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd consumed her from day one. For the past eight years, Kim has volunteered with StandUp For Kids Tucson serving homeless and street youth and young adults. She is currently the Executive Director and serves on the Homeless Youth Committee.
Kim relies heavily on prayer, believes wholeheartedly in Love and Mercy and loves Jesus with all of her heart.
"I love teenagers and am fascinated by their strength and abilities. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to grow and serve the OMOS Teens and to be part of this tremendous parish. Jesus says, "Go, love them!" and here I am".